Termite Control
How is termiticide applied and do I need to be away from home during or after application?The termite service is a trench and treat method of application. Simply put, a small trench is dug around the foundation and chemical is put into the trench, sort of creating an invisible ‘moat’ around the home. The trench is then covered up. Some slab/concrete areas are drilled so the areas under the slab may be treated. It often looks as if we have never been there andnd you do not need to be away from home. We do caution you to bring your animals in during service and then to not let them dig in the areas of application.
Does Sawyer use bait stations as a form of termite control?Although bait stations can play a role in rare situations, (for instance if a water source is very close to a structure that needs to be treated), for the most part we do not recommend them. Picture the fish to the worm…it’s hard to recommend a product in all honesty that draws the termite towards the structure.
Does Sawyer use Termidor for termite control?Yes! We use exclusively non-repellants, including Termidor. If you would like to learn more about Termidor check out their very educational website at www.termidorhome.com.
What chemical does Sawyer use for termite control?There are two different types of chemicals used for subterranean termite control, repellants and non-repellants. The biggest difference between the two chemicals (other than odor) is a really big one and that is residual effect! The repellant offers a residual of approximately 6 months with lots of odor. The non-repellant however, offers a residual of approximately 8 to 10 years with no odor. Sawyer uses non-repellant termiticides exclusively.
What is the termite most indigenous to this area:The Subterranean Termite.
I have structural questions resulting from a termite infestation, can Sawyer address those?We like to say here that we like to stick to our area of expertise and we do an excellent job of killing them, but your structural issues require the knowledge of a structural engineer.
Can Sawyer inspect my home for free?There are company’s out there that will tell you their inspections are ‘free’. Sawyer charges $50.00 for an inspection and will give you a thorough inspection, apprising you of any activity of wood destroying insects and pests as well as any concerns that may be noticed like leaking pipes or possibly standing water in crawlspaces that would be conducive to termite activity.
How fast will termites destroy my home? Is it like the Tasmanian devil cartoon type termite I’ve seen on the television?Termite destruction will vary depending on several issues, most primarily is the size of the colony or infestation.
Pest Control
How about other creatures, like bats, squirrels, snakes, raccoons, oppossums?Sawyer’s expertise and licensing is in insect pest control. If you need help with some type of animal, try a search for ‘animal removal’.
Do you treat mice?We can treat for mice and rats but only within State controlled regulations (as it is our goal to SAFELY provide pest control). Rodents can be treated for if the home or structure is on a crawlspace. If there is no crawlspace, alternative trapping methods are used. Typically rodents enter the home through small cracks and holes. Check the pipes coming into your home as well and stuff those openings with steel wool, mice hate it!
Help! There are these prehistoric looking hump backed insects in my basement!These are Camel Crickets. They like dark, dampish places like basements and crawlspaces. The good news is that they are fairly easy to be rid of with a treatment.
We seem to have Silverfish. Is there something that can be done for their control?Often Silverfish are in residence due to paper being stored somewhere in the home. We can treat for them and do recommend that the paper food source be removed.
Can fleas and ticks be taken care of? What about chiggers?Absolutely! We can offer both indoor and outdoor treatments that are very effective. Our outdoor treatments come with a 6 month guarantee.
We have a ton of spiders and especially it seems during the Fall months. Can anything be done?Sawyer can provide treatment for spiders including web removal. There are several different species of spiders found in North Carolina including the poisonous Black Widow and the Brown Recluse.
What about roaches? Aren’t there lots of different kinds?We do treat for roaches and there are several different species including the Oriental, the Smoky Brown, the German, the Wood roach and those are to just name a few. Each treatment is applied for the type or types of roaches that are infesting. Did you know that roaches are cannibalistic? When one dies, another will eat them. Gross? Yes. But it causes a domino effect of sorts that plays a part in their control.
How do you treat for regular household ants?We use a combination of chemicals to control them and we customize the service to the actual infestation for the best results. Ants can be the trickiest to control sometimes but with our combination of experience, state of the art chemicals and dogged determination, we always win!
What about carpenter ants?Those too. Carpenter ants don’t actually eat the wood in your home though. Instead, they typically nest in damp wood areas and the nests grow in size and eventually weaken the wood. Common areas to see carpenter ants are door thresholds, window sills, etc.
Are the carpenter bees aggressive?The males will act aggressively but have no stinger so it’s all show! The females do have a stinger but rarely will actually sting.
We have carpenter bees everywhere, can you do anything about them?Yes! It’s actually the holes of the carpenter bees that are treated, so that when the bee enters or exits the hole, they will go through pesticide and die. Carpenter bees will frequently return to their drilled holes in subsequent years so it’s best to treat them and ultimately repair your holes. (Sorry, we don’t do hole repair, we just kill them!)