TKO The Three Killers Pest Service
Did you know that the MOSQUITO is the DEADLIEST animal in the world?
According to the World Health Organization, diseases spread by mosquitoes account for more than 700,000 deaths worldwide per year. Female mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting diseases and viruses to humans such as Zika, West Nile virus, malaria, and the dengue virus, and can also transmit several diseases and parasites to our four-legged companions. And unfortunately for us, mosquitoes need as little as a bottle cap full of water to lay eggs, making them capable of reproducing in areas often overlooked.
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Tick Infestation
Mosquitoes aren’t the only pests in your yard that can deliver a catastrophic blow to your family and pets. The species of TICKS found in North Carolina carry bacteria that causes Lyme Disease, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and STARI (Southern Tick Associated Rash Infection). The bite from a Lone Star Tick has also been proven to cause an allergy to red meat (called alpha-gal syndrome). Female ticks can lay up to 10,000 eggs at a time. Once hatched, the tiny larvae, referred to as seed ticks because of their pinpoint size, can survive long periods of time while waiting for their first blood meal.

Interior and Exterior Flea Infestations
While most FLEAS prefer to feast on our pets, they will still bite us for a quick meal. Flea eggs are not attached to the host when deposited by the female, so it is common for an outdoor flea problem to quickly become an indoor flea problem when your furry companion comes inside, curls up on their bed, and the eggs fall into the carpet or bedding. Adult fleas can lay dormant for months before emerging from their cocoon, meaning vacationing homeowners can come home to find a heavy infestation of hungry fleas. In addition to carrying plague and typhus, fleas can transmit tapeworms to our pets, which can then be transferred to our children.
Our TKO THE THREE KILLERS PEST SERVICE targets these three dangerous public health threats to protect your family and pets and allow you to enjoy your yard more freely. Our 6-month seasonal guarantee means that if you have ANY problems with these three killers after our service, we will come back to take care of the issue at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE to you.
Let us use our technical skills to knock out the three killers lurking in your yard!

How Can We Help You?
Contact Sawyer Pest Control Today!
Fill out the form below or give us a call at (919) 967-1500 for immediate attention.